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National Property
序號 標題 發布日期
1 Comply with National Social Welfare Policies, Improve Assets Activation Benefits 2021-04-14
2 Promote the greenification and beautification of national non-public use land to increase leisure and recreational space for people 2021-04-14
3 Keeping in line with the solar photovoltaic project of the Executive Yuan, providing land for the solar photovoltaic establishment 2021-04-14
4 Enforce the handling of occupied national non-public use land to improve the benefits of land utilization 2021-04-14
5 Efficiency Before the Consignment of the Parking Lot Project for Improving the Land Development and Utilization 2021-04-14
6 Relax the Conditions of Tender for the Establishment of Superficies to Attract More Private Investment 2021-04-14
7 Enhancing Participation in Urban Renewal Mechanisms, Leveraging the Momentum to Drive Urban Renewal 2021-04-14
8 Work with the Target Businesses for Joint Improvement of the Utilization of National Lands to Promote Local Construction and Facilitate Industrial Development 2021-04-14
9 Clearing and activating national real estate to increase the Treasury’s income 2021-04-14
10 Limit scope of sale of leased national non-public use real estate in order to preserve large tracts of national land 2021-04-14
第一頁 1 2 最後一頁

(總共 2 頁,16 筆資料)