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1 How to apply for BOT Personal eBanking services ? 2023-08-11
2 What is Relending Facility? 2023-08-09
3 Does the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China cover 360-day L/C transaction? 2023-08-09
4 Does the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China provide export credit insurance for triangular trade or overseas trade? 2023-08-09
5 How to apply for Relending Facility? 2023-08-09
6 My company focuses on exports of machinery and equipment. Could the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China provide any related financing services? 2023-08-09
7 Our company ,a computer and peripheral products manufacturer, is going to trade under a two-year installment L/C with the foreign buyer. Could we apply to the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China for the medium and long-term export credit? 2023-08-09
8 Is collateral necessary when manufacturers apply for the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China’s export credit insurance? What determines buyer’s credit? 2023-08-09
9 When a Taiwanese exporter receives a L/C issued by a bank in an emerging country and then the exporter would like to apply for loan from The Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China, the exporter has to obtain a confirmation for the said L/C from another bank with high a reputation in the U.S. or Europe? 2023-08-09
10 Does the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China provide credit insurance services that cover domestic trades? 2023-08-09
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