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Promote the greenification and beautification of national non-public use land to increase leisure and recreational space for people

The “Disposal Principles for National non-public Use Provided for Afforestation and Beautification Purposes” was amended five times on April 20, 2009; September 16, 2009; February 4, 2012; June 7, 2017; and November 30, 2018. To create new cityscapes, it allows regional governments and the private sector to conduct the greenification and beautification of the national non-public use land without any disposal or utilization plan and before the application for appropriation by authorities.


By the end of January 2024, 4,591 lots of national land with an area of about 472.69 hectares have been greenified and beautified. It not only significantly improved the environmental landscape but also lowered management costs.

4 lots of national land, 415, 415-1, 415-2, 415-3, 2nd Sub-section, Wanhua Section
Before greenification and beautification
Before greenification and beautification
After greenification and beautification
After greenification and beautification

發布日期:2021-04-14 更新日期:2024-02-29