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Corruption Prevention
序號 標題 發布日期
1 Integrity Platform for enterprise Services(企業服務廉政平臺) 2024-03-19
2 The AAC Integrity Education Resource Portal(法務部廉政署廉潔教材資料庫網站) 2023-09-20
3 “2022 Business Integrity Forum” “Integrity of Production Sector and Officials for Fortune and Common Benefits” 2022企業誠信論壇「產官廉心 財賦共好」 2023-06-16
4 May civil servants attend dinner parties hosted by those who may have a vested interest in the performance of their official duties? How must this be handled? Please give examples. 2022-03-22
5 What of cases where civil servants receive gratuities from those who have no vested interest in their performance of official duties?Please give examples. 2022-03-22
6 How do the Guidelines address ceremonial protocol? Please give examples. 2022-03-22
7 What does “having vested interests in civil servants’ official duties” mean in the Guidelines? Could you please give some examples? 2022-03-22
8 Who do the Guidelines apply to? Are physicians at public hospitals, public school teachers or employees of public enterprises subject to them? 2022-03-22
9 Enforcement Rules of the Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest 2021-02-17
10 Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest 2021-02-17
第一頁 1 2 最後一頁

(總共 2 頁,12 筆資料)