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Integrity Platform for enterprise Services(企業服務廉政平臺)

The Agency Against Corruption (AAC) of MOJ integrates the spirit of openness and transparency with past experience operating the "Government Procurement Integrity Platform" , and combines the promotion of the trial version of the " Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services"  by various competent authorities to provide distinctive consultations on the issue of "unlawful profit seeking and convenience for public" that wildly concerns enterprises. Meanwhile, AAC assists enterprises in strengthening integrity and legal compliance to achieve the goals of streamlining administration processes and providing convenience for the public, implementing enterprise integrity, facilitating public-private cooperation and thus bring about sustainable development, in order to create a clean and competent investment environment which is more transparent, efficient and reassuring, to ultimately achieving sustainable development for both Taiwan and the enterprises within.

Promote administrative transparency, streamline administration processes and provide convenience to the public, and clarifies the difference between unlawful profit seeking and convenience for the public.
Assist enterprises in strengthening integrity governance, and advocate as well as emphasize legal compliance and goodwill.
public-private and cross-domain cooperation to promote sustainability of Taiwan and enterprises.


2.Cross-Domain cooperation(跨域交流)
(1)Competent Authorities
(2)Local Governments
(4)Prosecutorial Offices
(5)AAC and Government Employee Ethics Units
(6)Industrial and Commercial Groups
(8)Experts and Scholars


3.Target of Services(服務對象)
(1)Corporate Groups
(2)Business Managers


Integrity Platform for enterprise Services:

發布日期:2024-03-19 更新日期:2024-03-19