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News on National Debt
序號 標題 發布日期
1 The newest national debt information (as of July 19, 2024) 2024-05-22
2 Clock of National Debt 2024-05-22
3 Performance evaluation of debt management of the central government 2023-05-22
4 Issuance Information of Central Government Bonds 2022-11-24
5 Issuance Information of National Treasury Bill 2022-11-24
6 Regular Issuance of Government Bonds and Treasury Bills 2019-08-01
7 Central Government Public Debt 2019-06-10
8 Issuance of Central Government Debt 2019-05-31
9 Central Government Outstanding Debt as a Percentage of Average GDP for Previous Three Years 2019-05-31
第一頁 1 最後一頁

(總共 1 頁,9 筆資料)