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International Fiscal Affairs
序號 標題 發布日期
1 Income Tax Agreements 2019-11-08
2 Cross-Strait Tax Agreement (This Tax Agreement has been signed but is not yet effective) 2019-11-08
3 Implementation of the BEPS Tax Treaty Related Measures 2019-11-08
4 Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) 2019-11-08
5 Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes 2019-11-08
6 Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement/Arrangement/MoU(CMAA) 2019-11-08
7 ATA Carnet System 2019-11-08
8 Customs Cooperation 2019-11-08
9 International Fiscal Cooperation and Exchanges 2019-11-08
10 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meetings 2019-11-06
第一頁 1 2 最後一頁

(總共 2 頁,14 筆資料)