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The Department for the Promotion of Private Participation


On January 1, 2013, in line with the reorganization of the Executive Yuan, the Preparation Office for Private Participation of the Public Construction Commission of the Executive Yuan was assigned to be under the MOF in the form of the Department for the Promotion of Private Participation, which would take charge of the duties related to Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) in infrastructure projects.

To strengthen PPP organization and improve efficiency, the Department for the Promotion of Private Participation readjusted its functions according to PPP projects. The Performance and Appraisal Section was established on January 13, 2021. “The Guidance and Counseling Section” was renamed “the Advisory Section.”



    The Department for the Promotion of Private Participation is organized into three sections: The Policy and Regulation Section, Advisory Section, and Performance and Appraisal Section, all headed by one director and one deputy director.




Policy and Regulation Section
  1. In charge of the establishment of policies, rules, development plans of importance on PPP.
  2. The analysis, establishment, and amendment of PPP laws, relevant operation references and guidelines.
  3. Conducting PPP professional training.
  4. The legal interpretation and implementation of PPP projects during feasibility assessment.
  5. General affairs including the allocation and management of budgets, planning, personnel, and performance evaluation.
Advisory Section
  1. The assistance, consultation, and interpretation of regulations in the pre-operation stage.
  2. The planning and conducting of the subsidy system for pre-operating expenses.
  3. Planning, establishment, and implementation of investment mechanisms for PPP projects.
  4. The establishment and promotion of incentive-based systems.
  5. Information collection and announcement of pre-contract PPP projects.
Performance And Appraisal Section
  1. Information collection and announcement of post-contract PPP projects.
  2. Supervision and evaluation of contract stage performance.
  3. Interpreting and processing of contract dispute resolution regulations.
  4. The planning and implementation of PPP international exchange affairs.
  5. The planning, establishment, and management of the PPP information website.


發布日期:2021-01-27 更新日期:2023-02-13