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July 25,2023
  1. Economic, Trade and Tax Statistics Analysis (July 25, 2023), with an additional report on Securities Transaction Tax and The Stock Market Overview    
  2. A Duty Payer Might File a Request for Administrative Remedy once Receiving a Disposition Notice if his/her Name Were used for False Customs Declaration    
  3. Statistical Bulletin No.14-Annual Individual Income Tax returned 6.63 million cases in 2023, about 77% via the internet.    
  4. Statistical Analysis-External Trade Report in the First Half of 2023    
  5. How to seek recourse if you disagree upon receiving a tax bill    
  6. Internet transactions should be invoiced according to the transaction types    
  7. Ministry of Finance Announces Amendments to "Examination Principles of a Foreign Profit-Seeking Enterprise's Application for Applying the Provisions of Paragraph 1, Article 25 of the Income Tax Act to Calculate Income" and Extends the Application Period    
  8. Extending applicable period of the commodity tax reduction on newly purchased energy-saving appliances    
  9. MOF convened the 2023 Taiwan PPP Investment Convention and announced business opportunities over NT$180 billion. All are welcome to invest more in Taiwan!    
  10. Commodity Tax Benefits on Electric Vehicles    
  11. Imports and exports trade indices will be updated to 2021 as the reference year from July 2023 (data period)    
  12. Statistical Bulletin No.13- The loan amount of Preferential Housing Loans for the Youth was NT$89.4 billion in 2022, the highest in the past 4 years, and the negative growth for 5 consecutive years was terminated    
  13. Preliminary Total Net Tax Revenue for June 2023    
  14. Summary of Exports and Imports for June 2023    
  15. Tax Refund Checks Valid for 1 Year Only. Please Redeem It as Soon as Possible.    
  16. Ministry of Finance’s Taiwan PPIP Investment Convention on July 14th, 2023 Announces Business Opportunities Arising from Public Infrastructure Investments from 16 agencies worth over NT$180 Billion    
  17. Supporting Legal Framework for PPP 2.0 Gradually Put into Effect: Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects to be Submitted to the Executive Yuan for Approval.   
  18. FIA issues the 2021 statistical book of assessed individual income tax filing data    
  19. Statistical Bulletin No.12-The number of electric small passenger vehicles for self-use in Taiwan has grown rapidly, reaching 28,000 by the end of 2022, and Taipei City accounted for about one-fifth.    
  20. Keelung Customs Demands Proper Information for Advance Tariff Classification Ruling Application    
  21. Release of 2022 Yearbook of Public Finance Statistics    
  22. Protect Your Rights and Interests Wisely Using Taxpayer Rights Protection Ombudsman Services    
Issued:Dept. of Planning Release date:2023-08-01 Last updated:2023-09-01 Click times:280