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The filing deadline for the 2022 income tax return is May 31, 2023

Considering that the severity of COVID-19 decreased, and the pandemic prevention measures had been relaxed, the Ministry of Finance made a public announcement that the filing period for the 2022 income tax return remains the statutory filing period for one month (from May 1 to May 31, 2023).

As of May 24, 2023, 4,917,128 individual income tax returns have been filed, with a ratio of 76.27% of the total individual income tax returns compared to 2021 (6,446,953); and 807,161 profit-seeking enterprise annual income tax returns have been filed, with a ratio of 78.64% of the total profit-seeking enterprise income tax returns compared to 2021 (1,026,434).

The Ministry of Finance reminds taxpayers to file income tax returns by May 31, 2023. The Ministry of Finance further states that taxpayers can file their tax returns via “The e-Filing and Tax Payment Service of the Ministry of Finance” (https://tax.nat.gov.tw/index.html) online at home to avoid crowding.

Taxpayers who are unable to complete their tax payment within the filing period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, financial hardship, or being economically disadvantaged may apply for a deferral or installment payments with the tax collection authority.

If there are any questions, please dial 0800-000-321 for inquiries.

Contact person and number:
Profit-seeking enterprise income tax: Mr. Tsai, Section Chief 
02 -2322-8118.
Individual income tax: Mr. Wang, Section Chief 


Issued:Taxation Administration Release date:2023-05-25 Last updated:2023-05-25 Click times:1851