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Enhancing the Management and Utilization Efficiency of National Public Use Real Estate

        Government agencies managing national public use real estate are required to use them in accordance with planned purposes and designated uses or business objectives. Within the framework of not violating these objectives or purposes, agencies may proceed with initiatives to revitalize and generate revenue from these properties. To encourage the effective utilization of national public use real estate, the National Property Administration (NPA) under the Ministry of Finance actively promotes newly enacted or amended regulations, shares diverse revitalization case studies, and provides guidance to agencies to improve management practices. These efforts aim to encourage agencies to revitalize national real estate without compromising their public use, thereby enhancing efficiency and creating sustainable sources of revenue.

        The NPA noted that in 2023, revenue from national public use properties amounted to NT$46.9 billion, which contributed to the national treasury and supported various national construction projects aimed at improving public welfare. Analysis of revitalization revenues from national public use properties during 2020 and 2021 shows annual revenues of just over NT$39 billion. This decline was largely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many agencies complied with national pandemic control policies by closing facilities or suspending their use, making revitalization efforts difficult. Additionally, the government implemented relief measures to ease the financial burden on citizens, including rent reductions or deferrals, further impacting revenue. However, as the pandemic subsided, the NPA’s active promotion of asset revitalization policies, coupled with the concerted efforts of government agencies, led to significant revenue growth, reaching NT$44.8 billion in 2022 and NT$46.9 billion in 2023, representing a 20% increase compared to the pandemic period, demonstrating the success of these revitalization efforts.

        With over 3,700 government agencies responsible for managing national public use properties, the Ministry of Finance directs the NPA each year to conduct on-site inspections of selected agencies to closely monitor property management practices. The NPA also provides legal consultation and promotes asset revitalization policies, helping to enhance agencies’ property management expertise. For example, in 2024, the National Taitung Living Art Center worked closely with national childcare policies by establishing a cooperative educare service center on a portion of the national property it manages, addressing both workplace and childcare needs. The National Science and Technology Council, in addition to focusing on AI development and talent cultivation, leased portions of its office building to a bank to install ATMs and passbook update machines, enhancing service convenience and meeting the everyday needs of science and technology professionals.

        The NPA will continue to share diverse case studies on the revitalization of national public use real estate through training programs, reminding agencies that they can lawfully utilize their managed public use real estate for revenue generation, thereby adding value to national assets.

Press Release Contact: Chen Chien-Han, Section Chief

Contact number: +886-27718121 ext. 1611

Issued:National Property Administration Release date:2024-07-15 Last updated:2024-09-24 Click times:364