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Introduction ( Department of Civil Service Ethics)

The Department of Civil Service Ethics handles government employee ethics affairs in accordance with the law, and shall act under the order of its superior agency as well as under the direction and supervision of its superior ethics agency, that is, the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice. Its responsibilities include anti-corruption promotion, ethical governance-related laws, suggestions for integrity reforms, and matters concerned with government ethics. The core function is to ensure the implementation of integrity-related affairs in accordance with the law.  


In addition to being responsible for the promotion of government employee ethics affairs of the Ministry of Finance, the Department of Civil Service Ethics also supervises the ethics affairs of ethics agencies within the Ministry of Finance (including 15 first-level ethics organizations and 41 second-level ethics organizations). Its budgeted staff number is 7 people (including 1 director, 1 deputy director, 2 section chiefs, 1 secretary, 1 executive officer, 1 officer), and is divided into two divisions.

Release date:2022-01-20 Last updated:2022-01-20 Click times:985