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To support the promotion of public child care services, the Cooperative Educare Services Center in the NPA set up on Aiguo West Road, the site of the former Finance Building, officially opens today (August 15)

        In response to the current sub-replacement fertility, the Executive Yuan formulated the "National Child Care Policy for Ages 0-6" policy. In addition to completing the setup of child care centers in Hualien and Miaoli offices for the cooperative educare services last year (2022), the NPA has set up a Cooperative Educare Service Center at Aiguo West Road, the site of the former Finance Building, this year (2023).

        The NPA plans to relocate its office to the Aiguo West Road Building at the end of the year. The building is currently under construction for structural reinforcement. Therefore, in consideration of the construction work in progress, although the Cooperative Educare Service Center was launched on August 1, 2023, the opening ceremony was not held. The curriculum planning and the teaching operation of the Service Center were commissioned to the experienced "Taiwan Children's Education & Development Association", and the Service Center officially opens today (August 15).

        As stated by the NPA, the admission prioritizes the children and grandchildren of staff members of the NPA and its subordinate branches and offices. The educare services are also provided to personnel of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and its affiliated agencies (institutions), and government agencies (institutions) that have signed a Joint Child Care Service Agreement with the NPA (currently including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Preparatory Office for the Climate Change Agency, Ministry of Environment; and K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education). If available spaces remain (48 spaces in total), such service can also be provided to general preschool applicants. Enrollment is open to children of age between 2 and 6 years old until all spaces are taken, so that the public can enjoy a friendly, quality, affordable, convenient, widely accessible, and friendly childcare environment.

        The NPA further stated that access control management is applied to all entries to and exits from the Cooperative Educare Service Center providing a safety guarantee. Specialized education and care service personnel are employed. The teacher-student ratio of 1:8 is better than that of general kindergartens, with a monthly fee of up to only NT$2,000. The Service Center takes both the quality of the teaching and the affordable price into consideration, lightening parents' financial burden in childcare, allowing them to work in peace. The public is more than welcome to take advantage of this opportunity and submit applications.

【National Property Administration Aiguo West Road Cooperative Educare Service Center】

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/fnpkid

Enrollment hotline: Teacher Liu, Kun-Yen 0968495095

               Teacher Chien, Ming-Yin 0987552015


Press Release Contact: Zeng, D-Fu, Officer

Contact number: +886-27718121 ext. 2105

Issued:National Property Administration Release date:2023-08-15 Last updated:2023-08-24 Click times:752