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The National Property Administration (NPA) announces 14 public auction cases of National Land Superficies Tender Establishment, and application for bidding is welcome

        The NPA announced today 14 public auction cases of National Land Superficies Tender Establishment located in the urban business areas, with excellent site location and condition. The bid opening will be held on October 30, 2023, and application for bidding is welcome.

        The NPA indicates that the third batch of public auction land cases this year includes three cases each in Taipei City, Taichung City, and Tainan City; two cases in and Kaohsiung City; and one case in Taoyuan City, Yilan County, and Pingtung County. The total area is 5.8 hectares and the royalty base price is more than NTD5,320,700,000. The duration of the superficies are all 70 years, the per annum interest rate is 3.5%, in which the interest per annum adjusted with the declared land value is 1%, while the interest per annum not adjusted with the declared land value is 2.5% and the transferring of the superficies along with the above-ground buildings to other parties is allowed.

       The NPA further indicates that the three cases located in Taipei City in this batch are all available for the first time for public auction for the setting of superficies. Among them, two cases are zoned for business and occupy large areas in the heart of Taipei City, with one located at an intersection near Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, and another located near the Ximending Business Area facing Zhonghua Road. The third is residential land located in an excellent residential neighborhood on a quiet lane off of Xinsheng South Road, Da’an District, and only 200 meters away from MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station. In other cities and counties, four cases are available for the first time for public auction for the setting of superficies. One is the industry land of Guishan District, Taoyuan City located in the Linkou Industrial Park 4. The second is the business and industry complexes land of Luodong Township, Yilan County located in the urban business area in Luodong Township. The third is the land of Wuqi Dist., Taichung City located in a newly developed area, where the neighboring lands have all been successfully tendered. This object has a squared rectangular parcel and very good condition. The fourth is the business land of Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City located in the urban Gangshan District, which is convenient and provides many amenities.

       The other seven cases of public auction for the setting of superficies include:

1) Business land in Gancheng Business Area of Taichung City; it was combined with lands in the fourth batch in last year, but was not successfully tendered, so is now separated as one object for public auction.

2) Residential land of Xitun District located in the east part of the Shuinan Trade and Economic Park with convenient transportation.

3) Residential land of Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City located in the 75th Redevelopment Zone, where the neighboring real estate transactions are booming.

4) Two cases in Anping District, Tainan City, both located in the National Anping Harbor Historic Park, with numerous tourists and prosperous business opportunities.

5) Business land of Ping-shih Section in East District, Tainan City; it was combined with lands in the first batch in this year, but was not successfully tendered, so is now separated as one object for public auction.

6) Business land of Pingtung City neighboring the National Pingtung University and near the Gaoping Bridge with convenient transportation.

All of the above-mentioned cases are in very good condition. After reviewing the auction conditions, the NPA shall conduct the public auction and hopes to attract interested parties.

       The objects in this batch of public auction cases are of good quality, excellent location, and superb condition. We welcome applications for bidding.

Press Release Contact: Chiang Tsai-Jen, Section Chief

Contact number: +886-27718121 ext. 1325

Issued:National Property Administration Release date:2023-09-11 Last updated:2023-09-22 Click times:698