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Uniform-Invoice Prize Winning Numbers for July to August, 2023

The Taxation Administration stated that the EBC Financial News Channel was commissioned to draw the uniform-invoice prize winning numbers for July to August, 2023, live on a special program at 2 pm on September 25th, 2023. For each draw, there is 1 winning number for the special prize and another for the grand prize, as well as 3 winning numbers for the first prize to the sixth prize. The cloud invoice award includes 30 sets of winning numbers for the one-million-dollar prize, 16,000 sets of winning numbers for the two-thousand-dollar prize, 100,000 sets of winning numbers for the eight-hundred-dollar prize and 1,650,000 sets of winning numbers for the five-hundred-dollar prize.

The winning numbers are as follows : for the special prize of NT$10 million, the winning number is 21981893; that for the grand prize of NT$2 million is 39597522; those for the first prize of NT$200,000 are 09505831, 54219897, and 17469638; those for the second prize of NT$40,000 are 9505831, 4219897, and 7469638 (the last seven digits of the three first-prize numbers); those for the third prize of NT$10,000 are 505831, 219897, and 469638 (the last six digits); those for the fourth prize of NT$4,000 are 05831, 19897, and 69638 (the last five digits); those for the fifth prize of NT$1,000 are 5831, 9897, and 9638 (the last four digits); those for the sixth prize of NT$200 are 831, 897, and 638 (the last three digits); and those for one-million-dollar prize of cloud invoice award are RD11654702, RE55683773, QQ87939579, QK05924314, QQ32568455, QE63010865, RE78087629, QF61278264, QP69352997, RE56075332, QW62970115, RL76110580, QW71802501, QN71728543, RL38966992, RF56796704, RK60027829, RF78479241, RK74166724, QW42641678, QF03759619, QH70282376, QN41823628, QJ61724383, RM45702110, RM85012476, RD03193441, QQ53867852, RN98598984, RF80954557.

The Taxation Administration reminds the public to check their uniform-invoices in hand. The winning numbers for July to August, 2023 are presented on the eTax Portal on the M.O.F. website at https://www.etax.nat.gov.tw/etwmain/en/etw183w. In order to receive the prize, a winner must fill out the form on the back of the uniform invoice and present it with his/her identity document (such as: identity card, residence certificate, passport) from October 6th, 2023 to January 5th, 2024. 

Press Release Contact: Miss LI, Section Chief 
Phone: 02 -2322-8203

Issued:Taxation Administration Release date:2023-09-25 Last updated:2023-09-25 Click times:364