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To Reduce CO2 Emission, NTA’s Annual Reports from Now on Only in PDF Formats

The National Treasury Administration (or the NTA) of the Ministry of Finance has produced an annual report in hard copy public each year to provide information about its important businesses of the year to better facilitate the understanding of the treasury environment. Since the year 2022, the NTA has issued that annual report in two stages: the initial version in a PDF format in June based on the implementation results of the Central Government General Budget of the Executive Yuan, and, later, in accordance with the final audit accounts, the final version in both paper and a PDF format before the end of November of the same year, to effectively enhance its information transparency.  

From the year 2023 on, the NTA will no longer have its final version of the annual report printed on paper but made in a PDF format to implement its policies of less paper and reduction of carbon dioxide emission as well as to strengthen the government’s service efficacy. The initial and final versions of the annual report will be available on the NTA’s website in June and November, respectively, each year.  

The PDF format of the annual report for fiscal year 2022 is now available on the NTA’s website, or https://www.nta.gov.tw, and can also be easily accessed by directly clicking on the link https://www.nta.gov.tw/Eng/multiplehtml/318.


Contact Person: Section Chief Mr. Stefan LIN

Telephone: (02)2322-8000 ext. 8072

Issued:National Treasury Administration Release date:2023-11-27 Last updated:2023-11-27 Click times:393