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Revised “Declaration of Equipment List for Imported Passenger Sedans”

Keelung Customs (KLC) stated that, in order to make the declaration process for imported passenger sedans clearer and more comprehensive, and to reduce disputes between Customs and duty-payers over examination and value determination results, the Customs Administration has specifically revised the “Declaration of Equipment List for Imported Passenger Sedans” (referred to as the equipment list) and will implement it from March 1, 2024 (imported date). Importers are requested to declare according to the new format to expedite Customs clearance.

KLC indicated that the equipment list consists of 32 items, which are used to supplement the inadequacies of import declaration items and serve as the basis for examination and value determination during clearance. It’s been nearly 10 years since the last revision of this equipment list in 2014. The former equipment list is no longer sufficient for declaration due to the rapid development of automotive technology and the increasing popularity of electric cars. Therefore, considering the equipment of various major car brands, revisions have been made, such as removing cassette and CD audio systems and adding Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, intelligent headlamp, digital rearview mirror, electric running board and Vehicle-to-Load function of electric cars.

KLC further explained that if the equipment of imported cars cannot be declared according to similar items in the equipment list, the importers should still declare the equipment under the 32nd item (PACKAGE OR OTHER OPTIONS) in the newly revised equipment list according to the actual condition of the imported car. Those passenger sedans imported before March 1, 2024 and declared to be stored in bonded warehouses (D8 declaration) or free trade zones (F1 declaration) may still be cleared for import based on the previous equipment list.

KLC lastly reminded that the new equipment list can be downloaded from Customs Administration’s website (https://web.customs.gov.tw/en/singlehtml/1868?cntId=fc0eeb5884c1421298badfa39638545d). KLC particularly emphasized passenger sedan dealers should honestly declare the equipment of cars to avoid unnecessary penalties.

Issued:Customs Administration Release date:2024-03-22 Last updated:2024-03-22 Click times:493