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The AAC Integrity Education Resource Portal(法務部廉政署廉潔教材資料庫網站)

To respond to and implement Article 13 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which states that “each State Party shall take appropriate measures, within its means and in accordance with fundamental principles of its domestic law, to promote the active participation of individuals and groups outside the public sector, such as civil society, non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations, in the prevention of and the fight against corruption and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes and gravity of and the threat posed by corruption,” as well as Point 21 of the concluding observations of international review of the first national report under the UNCAC, which states that “governments should consider integrity education in kindergartens and primary schools as part of the core mission of the education sector,” 

The Agency Against Corruption (AAC) has, in recent years, developed school-age appropriate integrity lesson plans through schools at all levels. This is achieved by the process of promoting character education, incorporating the awareness of integrity, honesty, and zero tolerance for corruption into curriculum materials or lesson plans. The program also deploys innovative lesson plans, animations, comics, story collections, stage dramas, debates, microfilms, glove puppetry shows / palm puppet shows, and model figures to effectively instill integrity awareness and moral qualities into students of all ages from preschool to higher education.





The AAC Integrity Education Resource Portal(法務部廉政署廉潔教材資料庫網站):


Issued:Dept. of Civil Service Ethics Release date:2023-09-20 Last updated:2023-09-20 Click times:398