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The National Financial Stabilization Fund (‘the Fund’) continues to execute its mission to stabilize the market

The Fund has executed its mission since July 13, 2022, with TAIEX outperforming the U.S., China, Hong Kong, Korea and other major stock markets. There is evidence that the Fund helps to suppress Taiwan stock market decline. Due to the problem of high inflation in major countries, acceleration of rising interest rate, tightening monetary policies have curbed consumer demand, resulting in slower economic growth. As the relevant uncertainties and financial risks remain high, The Fund Management Committee resolved today to continue to execute the mission to maintain investor confidence and stabilize the market.

Contact Person: Director LIN, Dong-Fu
Contact Tel. (02)2322-8057

Issued:National Treasury Administration Release date:2022-10-06 Last updated:2022-10-07 Click times:576