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Policy Aims and Objectives of the Ministry of Finance in 2016

1Improvement in financial strategies and raising financial efficacy

  (1) Continued promotion of “The Sound Finance Program” to raise budget funds to support government administration.

  (2) Strengthening of the management of government-controlled enterprises, ensuring of the benefits of
       government-owned shareholdings, enhancement of the operational synergies of each enterprise.

  (3) Rising of efficacy in the management of government revenue, enhancement of the reasonableness in
       the collection of charges and fees, improvement in the soundness of the system for the management of
       government finances.

  (4) Continuation of the promotion of the regular and moderate issuance of government bonds and treasury bills,
         improvement in the efficiency of debt management.

  (5) Enhancement of the mechanism of fiscal assistance to help local governments in the implementation of measures
        to increase revenues and reduce expenditures.

  (6) Improvement in the sound development of the Public Welfare Lottery industry, presentation of the core values of
        lottery issuance.

  (7) Enhancement of tobacco and alcohol management, ensurance of the safety of consumption.

  (8) Improvement in the efficiency of disbursement operations, enhancement of disbursement services, 
       ensurance of disbursement security.

2Maintenance of the fairness of taxation and upgrading efficiency in tax administration

  (1) Proposal of amendments to the tax laws and implementation of tax reforms so as to make government finance sound.

  (2) Review and amendment of tax laws and regulations in a timely manner to meet the needs of economic and social

  (3) Improvement in skills of assessment in tax administration to prevent tax evasion and maintain the fairness and justice of

  (4) Continuation of the promotion of the simplification of tax administration with the provision of simplified and convenient tax
        payment services.

  (5) Implementation of the program to reduce taxation litigation, promotion of the quality of the handling of inquiry cases, solving of
       controversies between taxpayers and tax authorities in an effective way.

  (6) Promotion of a sound and comprehensive tax treaty network to enhance the competitiveness of domestic enterprises for
        outbound investment and the attractiveness of the domestic environment for inbound investment.

  (7) Promotion of the signing of public finance co-operation agreements to enhance interaction in the field of international public
        finance; active participation in international conferences to establish concrete multilateral and bilateral relations.

3Streamlining of Customs management to improve facilitation and effectiveness

  (1) Establishment of the Ubiquitous Economic and Trade Network to enhance security and facilitation in Customs clearance.

  (2) Development of international logistics in conjunction with other government agencies to upgrade the effectiveness of bonding

  (3) Adjustment of the tariff policy in a timely manner to foster its functions in the economy.

  (4) Strengthening of the exchange of intelligence with foreign Customs to effectively interdict smuggling and illicit trade.

  (5) Adjustment of the tariff-classification structure to comply with international norms and integrate with the world standards.

  (6) Implementation of trade remedy measures to maintain a fair business environment for domestic industries.

  (7) Promotion of the signing of customs co-operation agreements/ arrangements; improvement of international customs

4Perfecting of state property management and strengthening of the performance of the sustainable operations

  (1) Improvement in the national asset information in order to facilitate coordinated operation.

  (2) Provision of lands for public service or common use, and initiation of public construction and facilities to carry out policy

  (3) Checking and dealing with the inventory of occupied government-owned lands and with the provision of assistance to the
        managing authorities of public properties to strengthen management in order to enhance efficiency in the overall utilization
        of national assets.

5Enhancing of the guidance mechanism for the Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects (PPIP) and of the attractiveness of the investment environment

  (1) Continuation of implement of the investment information platform for PPIP to eliminate obstacles to investment.

  (2) Deliberation on PPIP regulations and the establishment of related mechanism to introduce multiple channels for private capital
        to participate in infrastructure project.

  (3) Active solicitation of investors and matching-up of business opportunities to effectively integrate resources to assist
        authorities-in-charge in soliciting business.

  (4) Continuous provision of guidance and incentive measures to assist authorities-in-charge in to develop PPIP projects and
        strengthen PPIP expertise.

6Enhancement of efficacy through e-transformation

  (1) Construction of financial cloud services, and expansion of integrated use of financial information administration.

  (2) Promotion of e-invoices and creation of i-life.

  (3) Integration plan for enforcing product traceability and inter-agency inspection.

  (4) Enhancement of quality of decision making and accuracy through big finance data analysis.

  (5) Sharing of economic and trade information through Customs-Port-Trade (CPT) Single Window System to uplift
        administrative efficiency and service quality.

  (6) Enhancing Customs compliance audit and integrating IT resources to strengthen border
        security and clearance effectiveness.

7Activating of the values of state assets to enhance the effectiveness of financial operations

  (1) Flexible utilization of the methods of rental, superficies tender and improvement in utilization to revitalize the use of
        government-owned land, attraction of the private sector capital for cooperation in the development of government-owned land.

  (2) Implementation of the financial operation plan, repayment of outstanding debt in advance, saving of interest expenditures.

8Enhancement of the qualifications of personnel to establish excellent working teams

      Strengthening of the cultivation of talented personnel and the organizational and learning capacities of the staff, cultivation of
      an excellent organizational culture.

9Promotion of the cooperation among government agencies at all levels and procedures of cooperation

      Through the cooperation among government agencies at all levels of the work circle, and the continued consolidation of
      service processes in accordance with public demand to improve administrative efficiency and service quality.

10、Increase in the benefits of assets and proper allocation of government resources

  (1) Executing budgets on the basis of fiscal discipline to raise the implementation rate of the capital budget.

  (2) Utilization of the principle of a zero-based budget system, carrying out of carefully compiled mid-term budget expenditure
        quota approved by the Executive Yuan.

11Improvement in the qualifications of manpower and the efficiency of management

  (1) Streamlining of the organization in line with government policy, proper management of the numbers of personnel.

  (2) Promotion of a passion for lifelong learning and improvement in the qualifications and core competencies of manpower.

Release date:2015-11-03 Last updated:2022-11-15 Click times:1392