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Policy Aims and Objectives of the Ministry of Finance in 2013

●Improve financial strategies and raise financial efficacy.

○Continue promotion of “The Program for Improving the Efficacy of Government Finance,” reduce uneconomical spending, utilize revenues in an effective way and increase treasury revenues.

○Actively raise budget funding resources, support the implementation of government policy, ensure the sound development of government finance.

○Raise the efficacy of the management of government revenue, enhance the reasonableness of the collection of charges and fees and improve the soundness of the system for the management of government finances.

○Strengthen the management of state-owned enterprises, ensure the benefits of state-owned shareholdings, enhance the operational synergies of each enterprise.

○Continue promotion of the regular and moderate issuance of government bonds and treasury bills, facilitate the development of the bond market.

○Strengthen financial planning for public infrastructure projects, improve financial efficacy.

○Enhance the mechanism of fiscal assistance to help local governments to implement measures and so as to increase revenues and reduce expenditures.

○Improve the sound development of the Public Welfare Lottery industry, present the core values ​​of lottery issuance.

○Enhance tobacco and alcohol management, ensure consumption safety.

○Improve disbursement efficiency, enhance disbursement services, ensure disbursement security.

●The aim of maintaining the fairness of taxation and upgrading efficiency in tax administration.

○To propose amendments to the tax laws and to implement tax reforms so as to make government finance sound.

○To continue to revise and deregulate tax laws and regulations to promote economic development.

○To improve skills of assessment in tax administration so as to enhance the assessment of tax evasion and to maintain the fairness and justice of taxation.

○To continue the promotion of the simplification of tax administration with the provision of simplified and convenient tax payment services.

○To implement the program to reduce taxation litigation, promote the quality of the handling of inquiry cases and solve controversies between taxpayers and tax authorities in an effective way.

○Advancement of international fiscal interchange, active attendance at international conferences, establishment of substantive multilateral and bilateral relationships.

○Signing of international fiscal Cooperation Agreements or Memoranda, strengthening of international fiscal relationships.

●Streamline Customs management to improve the effectiveness of facilitation.

○Create a sound trading network to enhance the security and facilitation of cargo clearance.

○Promote international logistic development and refine Customs management on bonded areas.

○Duly adjust Customs policies to bring into full play the economic function of Customs.

○Strengthen international Customs cooperation for effective prevention of smuggling and illegal trade.

○Implement trade relief measures to maintain a fair competition environment for local industries.

○Actively promote the signing of Customs cooperation agreements.

●To perfect state property management and to strengthen the sustainable operation performance.

○Improving national asset information in order to facilitate coordinated operation.

○Providing lands for public service or common use, initiating public construction and facilities to carry out policy objectives.

○Checking and dealing with the inventory of occupied state-owned lands and assisting public property management authorities to strengthen the management in order to enhance overall utilization efficiency of national assets.

●Enhancement of the guidance mechanism for the “Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects” (PPIP) and of the attractiveness of the investment environment. 

○Continuously implement the pro-active opening and counseling of PPIP to assist the authority in charge in the enlightenment of case source.

○Strengthen educational training in PPIP matters to intensify specialist capacity in related areas.

○Establish a PPIP contract management system, a PPIP performance assessment system and a PPIP operational handbook to build confidence at a basic level and effectively integrate resources to assist authority in charge in soliciting business.

●Enhancing efficacy through e-Transformation.

○Integration of taxation information systems to enhance efficiency in taxation administration.

○Construction of the e-Invoice Platform to lower operation costs for businesses.

○Continued execution of tax e-filing and online payment to provide convenient channels for the public.

○Enhance sharing of trade-related information through the ustoms-Maritime-Trade Single Window System to improve administration efficiency and service quality.

●To activate the values of state assets in order to enhance financial operation effectiveness.

○Flexibly utilizing the methods of rental, tender of creation of superficies and improvement in utilization to revitalize uses of state-owned lands and introducing private sector to cooperate in its development.

○Implement the financial operation plan, repay outstanding debt in advance, save interest expenditures.

●Enhance the qualifications of personnel to establish excellent working team.

○Strengthen the cultivation of talented personnel and the organizational and learning capacities of the staff , cultivate an excellent organizational culture.

○Cultivation of international fiscal and negotiating talents, positive promotion of the international fiscal affairs of the MOF.

●Enhance research and development efficacy.

○In line with fiscal policy to handle related consigned research projects.

○Encourage colleagues to do self-research combined theories and practices to improve professional qualification.

●Implement the mechanism of government internal control : Implement the internal control of the MOF and its auxiliary agencies, and enhance administrative efficiency.

●Increase the benefits of assets and allocate government resources properly.

○Urge the MOF and its auxiliary agencies to execute all budgets based on austerity to raise the implementation rate of the capital budget

○Based on the principle of a zero-based budget system, to carry out carefully compiled annual budget expenditure within the MOF’s mid-term budget expenditure quota as approved by the Executive Yuan

●Improve the qualifications of manpower and the efficiency of management.

○To streamline the organization in line with government policy, and manage properly the numbers of personnel.

○Promote lifelong learning passion and improve the qualifications and core competency of manpower.




Issued:Dept. of Planning Release date:2012-10-15 Last updated:2014-12-20 Click times:726