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Annual Report Initial Version in PDF of National Treasury Administration Now Available Online

The National Treasury Administration, Ministry of Finance, announces that, in order to strengthen information transparency, it has completed the 2021 annual report initial version of this administration ahead of schedule for the first time. The early edition can now be downloaded in PDF format for reference.

According to the Administration, the edition and publication of the annual report of the year before, which is based on the final audit accounts of the National Audit Office, is completed customarily in November each year. The information in the report includes the administration’s organization and duty, business overview, future prospects, and major events that happened. In order to provide the public with such information as quickly as possible, and to promote the thriving treasury environment, the administration has, based on the implementation results of the Central Government General Budget, published its 2021 Annual Report Initial Version in PDF format in June this year. This initial version will be renewed and replaced by the final version in accordance with the said final audit accounts and issued in both paper and PDF before the end of the coming November.

The PDF format of the above initial version is now available on the website of the administration, or https://www.nta.gov.tw, and can also be easily accessed by directly clicking on the link https://www.nta.gov.tw/Eng/multiplehtml/318.

Contact Person: Mr. Stefan LIN, Section Chief, National Treasury Administration, Ministry of Finance.
Telephone: (02)2322-8000 ext. 8072

發布日期:2022-06-29 更新日期:2022-09-28