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Internal Research

In order to promote research and development work, The Reward Regulations for Research and Development of the Ministry of Finance. was promulgated by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the Implementation Directions for Research and Development in Subordinate Agencies of the Executive Yuan.

According to the preceding Regulations, the subordinate agencies of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as “agencies”) shall adopt forward-looking planning in the collection of documents or information, emphasize knowledge sharing, promote flexible applications and innovation, utilize knowledge platforms, and create knowledge value when employing knowledge management to enhance the promotion of research and development work.

Research from the previous year shall be completed and submitted before January 10th of the current year. Research plans for the following year shall be submitted before the end of November in the current year by agencies conducting research to promote research and development work.

發布日期:2020-04-24 更新日期:2022-05-04