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An Overview of Energy Conservation Facilitation

The effectiveness of the headquarters and affiliated agencies (institutions) in saving electricity:

109 years: Compared with the base period year, the headquarters and affiliated agencies (institutions) have saved 12.35% of total electricity consumption, and have achieved the goal of increasing the overall power consumption efficiency by 10% compared with the base period year
110 years: Compared with the base period year, the headquarters and affiliated agencies (institutions) have saved 12.17% of total electricity consumption, and have achieved the goal of increasing the overall power consumption efficiency by 10% compared with the base period year
111 years: Compared with the base period year, the headquarters and affiliated agencies (institutions) have saved 14.96% of total electricity consumption, and have achieved the goal of increasing the overall power consumption efficiency by 10% compared with the base period year

發布日期:2019-11-26 更新日期:2023-11-07