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Guidelines for Use of the Archives

1. Those who wish to access the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as “MOF”) archives should fill out the Application Form for Access to the Archives of the MOF, and send/fax it to the MOF. 
2. The Archives Office of the MOF is the service location for access to MOF archives, providing services including archives search, reading, hand-copying, and duplicating.
3. The opening hours for the Archives Office are Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 5:30pm. Closed on national holidays.
4. For access to MOF archives, individuals must present the “Notice of Permit for Access to the Archives” and will be accompanied by a member of the staff.
5. Please refer to the Guidelines for Use of the Archives at the Archives Office, MOF for details.



Related links
1. Fee Standards for Viewing, Hand-copying or Duplication of Archives (https://www.archives.gov.tw/english/Publish.aspx?cnid=404&p=3901)


發布日期:2019-04-23 更新日期:2024-01-15