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The Introduction of Government Procurement Integrity Platform(機關採購廉政平臺介紹)

The Introduction of Government Procurement Integrity Platform (機關採購廉政平臺介紹)

I. Background and Objectives

To safeguard the quality of major public construction projects in Taiwan, provide the people with a high-quality living environment, and raise national competitiveness, in 2016, the Executive Yuan instructed the Ministry of Justice to issue an order to implement a plan for an integrity platform to support government agencies in their procurement efforts. In spite of its limited manpower, the Agency Against Corruption (AAC) nonetheless established the Integrity Platform for Government Procurement to meet the needs of government agency directors in managing major national construction projects and important procurement cases.

The Integrity Platform established an inter-agency communications network that allowed the Prosecutor’s Office, AAC, and Investigation Bureau to participate in the handling of major construction cases. It also introduced the participation of professional agencies such as the Construction Commission, external experts, scholars, and civic groups. Through transparency and openness, improper interference from external forces can be eliminated and civil servants can feel secure in the performance of their duties, thus ensuring that major national construction projects are completed cleanly and on schedule, that quality requirements are met, and that the people are provided with high-quality government services.

II.   A Four-Pronged Platform: Inter-Agency Collaboration, Public-Private Cooperation, Administrative Transparency, Public Oversight

A Four-Pronged Platform








III. Specific Actions

1.Inter-agency collaboration: An inter-agency communications network was developed to streamline communication between procuring agencies, other agencies involved in government procurement (e.g., the Prosecutor’s Office, AAC, Investigation Bureau, Construction Commission, and National Audit Office), civic groups (e.g., Transparency International Chinese Taipei (TICT) and concerned environmental groups), experts, scholars, manufacturers, and the public. The public has been made aware of the participation of anti-corruption inspection teams through public press conferences and briefings. Through regular meetings, consultative forums, and public education and public relations efforts, difficulties encountered during case processing can be discussed, solutions can be jointly researched, feedback can be collected, and the dissemination of laws and regulations and promotion of public awareness can be strengthened.

2.Information disclosure: Each agency is required to set up a special section on its website for the Integrity Platform to disclose information regarding the background, planning, progress, and resolution of cases as well as related meeting materials and records. The public dissemination of this information on the Integrity Platform makes it easy for businesses and other stakeholders to find the information and express their views, and allays fears of anti-competitive practices. It also increases public understanding, oversight, and trust.

3.Internal controls: In addition to the strengthening of individual agencies’ internal control mechanisms and the improved coordination between agencies with the authority to carry out inspections (e.g., construction inspection and procurement audit teams, supervisory units, and government employee ethics units), the frequency of internal audits was increased. Special inspections and on-site visits can be performed through the platform to allow for a timely response to prevent risk escalation when concerns of corruption are raised. Furthermore, malpractice cases are handled-in accordance with law immediately upon identification.

IV. Benefits

1.For government agencies and state: The Platform improves government efficiency and national competitiveness by ensuring that all major national construction projects are completed lawfully, on schedule, and with good quality.

2.For civil servants: The Platform creates a quality public service environment with an emphasis on accountability and proactivity.

3.For businesses: The Platform offers protection for the rights and interests of businesses so that they can focus on contract fulfillment.

4.For the public: The public can participate in the oversight of the government’s anti-corruption efforts and reap the benefits of prudent government administration and quality infrastructure.

V. Future Outlook

In keeping with the global trend towards open government and the Open Government Partnership’s principles of transparency, participation, and accountability, the AAC will continue to improve the Platform’s functionality and usefulness by promoting important national policies in conjunction with government officials, encouraging both the public and private sectors to participate in the Platform, strengthening access to and the utilization of case data, publicizing model cases executed under the Platform to reach a wider audience, and ultimately, creating more benefits for the general public.






1.    跨域合作:建立採購機關與相關政府機關(如:檢察、廉政、調查、工程會、審計部等)及公民團體(如:台灣透明組織或相關環保團體)、專家學者、廠商與民眾間跨域溝通的管道,藉由辦理公開宣示儀式對外展現決心,讓外界知悉檢廉團隊的參與,並藉由召開聯繫會議或座談協商等方式,提供專業建議。
2.    公私協力:與檢察、廉政、調查、工程會、審計、職安或其他目的事業主管機關、公民團體、專家學者、廠商、利害關係人及各界交換意見,取得反饋資訊。
3.    行政透明:由機關建立專區、網頁或透過媒體報導等多元管道,將得公開之採購文件、辦理進度、案件釋疑或廉政倫理事件等資訊登載、揭露,使民眾、廠商或利害關係人皆能得知資訊,進而提出意見。
4.    全民監督:持續優化已公開資訊,增進民眾監督之可及性;以問卷調查或座談會、說明會等措施,收集民眾反饋意見。
5.    健全採購秩序措施:整合機關具稽核職能單位,強化內控檢核機制;研編教材,辦理相關教育訓練,就各階段應注意事項進行宣導。


1.    對國家及政府:提升政府施政效能,守護國家重大建設。
2.    對公務員:建構優質公務環境,使公務員勇於任事。
3.    對廠商:維護廠商合理權益,使廠商能專心履約。
4.    對民眾:全民共同參與監督,享受完善施政建設。


為擴大廉政平臺正面效益,發揮積極興利功能,廉政署將順應開放政府公共治理的國際潮流,參照「開放政府夥伴關係聯盟(Open Government Partnership)」所倡議「透明」、「參與」、「課責」的精神,持續配合機關首長推動國家重要公共政策成立採購廉政平臺,並精進採購廉政平臺公私部門的參與機制,活化平臺案件資料的串聯及運用,加強行銷平臺典範案例。

Issued:Dept. of Civil Service Ethics Release date:2023-03-01 Last updated:2023-03-01 Click times:173