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What are the conditions for applying for the owner-occupied residence loan at the Land Bank of Taiwan as a first-time home buyer without self-use house?

1. The term "owner-occupied residence loan" refers to a financial institution loan for a citizen of the Republic of China with full capacity for civil conduct that does not currently possess any owner-occupied residences in the country and would like to purchase one.

2. The applicant should prepare the following information:

(1) Identity card and a second identification document (such as driver's license, health insurance card, etc.).

(2) Seal.

(3) Transcripts of land and premises incorporation.

(4) Documents of personal property issued by tax institutions (such as list and information of vesting of property).

(5) Personal income certificate (such as payslips, withholding vouchers, bank books, etc.).

(6) If a guarantor is provided: Please provide the guarantor's identity card, seal, and personal income certificate.

(7) Others: Depending on individual cases.

Issued:Land Bank of Taiwan Release date:2019-07-23 Last updated:2023-07-24 Click times:308