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Continuously refining the Authorized Economic Operators (AEO)certification system facilitates and secures customs clearance.
  • Content:
1. In order to fulfill the “two-pillar principle” of C2C Network Arrangement and C2B Business Partnership espoused in the WCO SAFE Framework, Taiwan Customs has not only spared no efforts to establish its AEO certification system, it has also actively promoted the signing of the AEO Mutual Recognition Arrangement MRA (MRA) with other customs administrations around the world. Through the MRA, the customs administrations of both sides are able to mutually recognize the AEOs validated by each other. Traders granted AEO status from either side can enjoy preferential treatment provided by the other side during customs clearance at borders.
2. Customs will lower the cargo examination rate for certified AEOs, so as to facilitate their customs clearance and reduce their business operation costs. In the meantime, Customs manpower can be effectively focused on high-risk shipments, so as to enhance the cargo examination efficiency for Customs.
3. Taiwan signed AEO MRAs with the United States, Singapore, Israel, Korea, Australia, Japan, India, New Zealand, and Guatemala in November 2012, July and December 2013, December 2015, September, November and December 2018, December 2020, as well as May 2021 respectively. In addition, the pilot project of cooperation on mutual recognition of AEO with Mainland China was also launched in October 2016.
  • Performance:
1. Approximately NTD8,000 for a container discharge fee and six hours of cargo release time will be saved by traders.
2. As of the end of September 2023, Taiwan Customs certified 902 AEOs whose import/export value amounted to around US$391.4 billion, accounting for 49% of Taiwan’s total trade volume.
Issued:Customs Administration Release date:2023-10-12 Last updated:2023-10-12 Click times:945