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What is sovereign credit rating? What are the sovereign credit rating results of Taiwan?

Sovereign credit rating is the standard of evaluating solvency and credit risks of a country. A credit rating agency will comprehensively evaluate the country’s political environment, economic development, financial policy, and fiscal performance to determine a representative credit rating and give investors insight into the level of risk associated with investing in a particular country.
The main international sovereign credit rating agencies are Standard & Poor’s, Fitch Ratings, and Moody’s. They publish sovereign credit rating reports of the selected countries periodically.

The sovereign credit rating results of Taiwan are as follows:

Standard & Poor’s


Fitch Ratings




Short Term Credit Rating: A-1+

Long Term Credit Rating: AA+

Outlook: Stable

Foreign Currency and Local Currency Long Term Issuer Default Rating: AA

Outlook: Stable

Foreign Currency and Local Currency Short Term Issuer Default Rating: F1+

Outlook: Stable

Country Ceiling: AAA

Long Term Issuer Rating:Aa3

Outlook: Stable


Tel: (02)2322-8177

Issued:Dept. of Planning Release date:2023-07-20 Last updated:2023-08-18 Click times:887