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What to do if you can't pay the rent on national non-public real estate?

For reducing the economic pressure of the legal user, the National Property Administration implements measures in reduced rent payment for the first half of the year 2021:

1. Lease: Besides the rent calculated at a special approved rent rate by the Executive Yuan or by tax rate (such as land value tax) as prescribed by law (regulation), the rent for the first half of the year 2021 is reduced by 20 percent. The legal user does not need to apply, as regional branches and offices of the National Property Administration will take proactive action.

2. Consigned operation: For consigned operation of national non-public use real estate sponsored by the National Property Administration, the operation royalty for the first half of the year 2021 for the consigned managers is reduced by 20 percent. The consignee does not need to apply, as regional branches and offices of the National Property Administration will take proactive action.

3. Establishment of superficies: For establishment of superficies of national non-public use real estate sponsored by the National Property Administration alone, the land rent for the first half of the year 2021 for superficiaries is reduced by 20 percent, and regional branches and offices of the National Property Administration will take proactive action. The National Property Administration would like to emphasize that if part of the superficiaries is not used by the self-user, such as usufructuary right-housing, the reduction of land rent shall be implemented on the users.

Issued:Dept. of Planning Release date:2020-11-09 Last updated:2021-01-08