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Rent reduction and deferred payment on real estate of state-owned enterprise

In light of the severe COVID-19 epidemic and its continued impact on the domestic economy, the state-owned enterprises of the Ministry of Finance have implemented measures in deferred and reduced rent payment to reduce the burden of the legal users:

  1. Rent reduction: Unless the rent is calculated at a special approved rent rate by the Executive Yuan (EY) or by tax rate (such as land value tax) as prescribed by law (regulation), the land rent of all real estate belonging to state-owned enterprises of the Ministry of Finance has been reduced by 20% until December 31, 2022. This matter is to be handled by the state-owned enterprises on their own initiative. The legal user does not need to apply. However, the reduced land rent cannot be lower than the cost of ownership.
  2. Deferred rent payment: The land rent payment deadline for the period of May to September 30, 2021, is extended to the end of September 2021. The breach of contract fine and interest of delay will not be calculated during this extended period.
Issued:Dept. of Planning Release date:2021-07-13 Last updated:2023-01-13